I’ve heard a lot of people say that creative people are born with a talent, and that may be true. It’s been my experience that creative people do what they do because they have a passion for it. They actual love what they are doing.

Of course many of us are motivated by money or fame, that’s only human nature. Maybe I’m wrong on this but when I hear great music, see great art, or read great literature; I get the sense that the artist loves his work. It really doesn’t matter if you perform your work in a multi-million dollar studio or just jam with the boys in the garage.

The passion for the work is what drives the constant practice, the striving to make the work the best possible, the long hours. The love of the work is what has us creating new material after a long work week at our 9-5 job. The passion is what wakes us up in the middle of the night to jot down an idea or call a friend. Our writing or music becomes part of who we are.

I’ve found that when you love doing something it ceases to be work. Sure we all take a break from doing even the things we love, but they tend to call for us. The next thing you know we are back behind the keyboard or the microphone or the canvas, doing what we love.

I think to a large extent, we create for ourselves; it gives us an inner satisfaction. Beyond that, I believe that we all seek ratification or approval from others to validate our work. It’s comforting to know that others approve and find our work equally as enjoyable.

At some point I think most of us would like to receive some monetary gain from our labors. When someone else is willing to pay for our ideas and creativity it confirms our sense of worth. Unfortunately most talented authors and musicians never get to monetize their work. There are many obstacles and roadblocks that can prevent even the most talented individual from gaining notoriety, fame, and wealth from his or her creative efforts.

I have developed a web site that helps market the work of new authors and artists. You now have an opportunity to have your work exposed to a large audience and also have a low risk way to sell your material. You maintain owner ship of your work, you set the sale price, and you keep the majority of the profits. Submit your writing, music, or videos today.

Visit my web site right now at You can list your work and get started today for a minimal investment. Once your work is on the web, you never know who might see it.

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